
A mentoring program and further support that fosters independence.

Our Mission is to provide support through mentoring for Young Adults Former Foster Youth on their journey towards independence. As these young adults “age out” or turn 19, they begin to lose services and support available to them while trying to figure out how to live on their own and support themselves. The role of mentors is to provide additional support along that journey.

Traditional Mentoring

Traditional mentors are adults over the age of 21 that are established through life skills, career, and other areas of independence. These mentors are trained by Partnership 4 Hope to understand the young adult former foster youths experiences, outlooks, and challenges. Mentors are matched by the organization and guided by leadership to foster a positive, supportive relationship that helps the former foster youth develop independent living skills.

Peer Mentoring

The vision of the Peer Mentoring Program is to enhance our mentoring efforts and provide opportunities to empower young adult former foster youth with the skills, education, and support to become leaders. Peer mentors are young adults aged 19-26 that are pre-determined to be mature enough to mentor peers and have had significant life experience through hardships or their own foster care system involvement. This type of mentoring is available through recommendations by case workers and identification of mentors meeting life experience requirements. These mentors are also trained by Partnership 4 Hope with a leadership approach.

How this works:

  1. Case managers from our collaborative agencies will offer the opportunity of mentoring to youth with whom they have worked and that they feel have the skills and desire to mentor youth their age.

  2. Young adults who receive Truck Brigade deliveries from Youth Mart will be offered the opportunity to have a mentor.

  3. Case managers from our collaborative agencies can refer young adults to be mentored.

The “why”:

  1. Former foster youth develop socio-emotionally. Although foster youth with a history of abuse or neglect are likely to terminate the mentoring relationship early, mentors who are able to win their trust and retain the mentoring relationship are able to help some foster youth build their social skills.

  2. Former foster youth develop their academic and career skills. Mentored youth compared to non-mentored youth are more likely to have better school attendance, better grades, and greater levels of self-confidence.

  3. Former foster youth who are more likely to participate in prosocial behaviors. Youth who are mentored are more likely to remain engaged in school, are less likely to become pregnant, and are less likely to be involved in gangs.

What to expect: 

  • A one-year minimum commitment (with options of renewing the mentoring contracts).

  • 2 required Training Sessions: Orientation (a 2-hour training via Zoom or in-person) & The RapportBuilding and Goal Setting Training (a 2-hour training via Zoom or in-person).

  • Completed Background Checks

  • Mentor Interviews (for the purpose of P4Hope to get to know Mentor and make appropriate matches).

  • Mentee Interviews (P4Hope also interviews mentees separately to assist in getting to know them and match them appropriately).

  • Ongoing support from Partnership 4 Hope. 

Requirement of Eligible Mentors:

  • Age of 21 or older

  • Independent as an adult and progressed in knowledge necessary for successful adulthood.

  • Ability and willingness to complete required training

  • Time commitment of 1 year (minimum), 4+ hours contact monthly with the mentee

  • Adult mentor has Driver's License, Vehicle/means of transportation.

Risen above all odds…

Partnership 4 Hope is happy to highlight youth making their way in life. They've overcome obstacles by rising to the challenges put in from of them.

The discussions between mentor and mentee show the importance of the mentoring relationship. Each quarter new stories will be highlighted thanks to our mentors and mentees. 

Mentee Stories & Questions

  1. How did you learn about partnership?

  2. How have partnerships strengthened your hope relative to your Journey

  3. Why I made it/driving force?

  4. How do you see your education being used?

  5. What is your current job?

  6. What are your goals?


Tina Shanks

  1. I learned about Partnership 4 Hope! through my school, I told the counselor and my scholarship mentor that I was having issues with taking care of my little brother, working, and also doing school work. They told me about Partnership 4 Hope and asked if I would be interested, and I said yes. This was in 2017 so it has been around 3 years having my mentor Ginger. 

  2.  P4Hope has really shown me that I have support wherever I look. I was unsure if I could do what I was doing but everyone was understanding and will help with anything. When I was signing up for college the first time Lisa, took me there and helped me through talking to people and doing the paperwork. P4Hope  has really given me hope that I can and will graduate college while working and taking care of two teenage siblings. 

  3. Business administration has a lot of opportunities to explore.  I'm hoping that I will use my education to get the Brule Foundation that I have started up and running 100%. The degree and knowledge will really help me with running it without having to learn as I go as much as I would without it. 

  4. Currently, I work at the Micah House, the only family shelter in Council Bluffs. I work on the ladies’ side, doing almost everything. I clean, give meds, hand out supplies, and do intakes. I do other things as well depending on what needs to be done. The clients I work with really do leave an impression on you, even when you do not realize it at first. 

  5.  My goals in life are to make sure that my siblings are happy and healthy. I want to get my foundation running and be financially stable. Someday if I have kids, I want them to have a better childhood than I did. I also am hoping to be a mentor myself one day. 

  6.  I have changed quite a bit. I can say I am much stronger than I used to be. I also used to never ask for help, but being in the program I had to learn how to ask for things. I would like to think that I am a bit smarter than I used to be in many ways. 

Tina shared more thoughts about her newly formed foundation…

“The name of the non-profit is the Brule Foundation.  I started it towards the end of 2019. It’s a place for homeless/ less fortunate people to shower and clean their clothing.  There will also be provided fresh clean clothes for them to pick out and change into while they have their clothes laundered.  Everyone deserves to feel like a human being, being clean and having clean clothing helps.  Everything will be free for them.  I’m also planning on having some type of case management so there are resources for the clients to find housing and jobs.” 


Maria Forbes

This young woman has a fierce spirit. She believes in herself and her potential.  This stems from a desire to show all those who told her she would fail, that she is a success. 

Maria heard about Partnership 4 Hope 2 1/2 years ago from her case manager Keenan.  Maria knew she wanted to finish college but some things had to change.  

Partnership 4 Hope provided Maria with essentials for her apartment, helped with some car issues, gave her scholarship guidance, and helped her develop the confidence to feel comfortable asking for advice. 

Maria says it’s nice having a mentor to talk with about accomplishments.  She’s learned to put herself first and is more hopeful knowing there are individuals who believe in her. 

The 3M Company is where Maria works the graveyard shift. She’s a full-time employee and has worked for them for 2 years March 2021.  She is a Large Lens Coder. She oversees the lenses that go inside chemical tanks. There are four machines. She checks that chemicals mix properly, the rotator cuts correctly, and everything runs smoothly. 

 Maria’s Goals:

  1.  Finish College with a maintenance degree

  2.  Rent a home in 1-2 years

  3.  Have a yard for my dog

  4.  In 5 years, move to Missouri 

  5.  Continue saving money 😉